Monday, April 5, 2010

Learning our limits

Today she was crawling around the house, no big deal. Then I heard her scream. At first I couldn't find her because she ususall doesn't leave the hallway. Here is where I found her. STUCK! So what did I do? I went and got the camera. Eventually, I did help her out but not till I got some photos.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I don't have much to say, these speak for themselves...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Yes, we do eat other things

We also had some peas and apples today! I promise I am not trying to create a junkfood kid but these were the cuter pictures. We are all about total calories for the day. I can't understand how she keeps getting taller and puts on no weight? I guess I will know when her pants start falling off. Tomorrow I will expand her nutrition content, Promise!