Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good days and bad days.

Laney has had an interesting week. On Monday the poor kid had to go and get her immunizations. Not fun for any kid (or parent for that matter). She got her shots, which actually went fairly well as far as crying fits go. As soon as I picked her up she was fine. The trouble came when she had to have a PKU test done. This is the test they do in the hospital when babies are born. They poke their heel and fill in a bunch of circles on a special piece of paper. Well, she had to have her 3rd one done! They have to do it 90 days after her last blood transfusion. This will check for a wide range of metabolic and blood disorders. I am glad they do it, especially after all the blood transfusions she had. But, SCREAM, my gosh this kid found her lungs! Poor thing. I felt terrible, like I am sure every parent does. To top it off she was a little dehydrated. We took her to pick huckelberries this weekend and it was a little warm, not to mention it has been over 100 in Boise for the last week or so. So, thank god that is over! That was her rough day this week!
Today however, she had another hearing screen. Third time is the charm, right? It is! She passed. She still has a little fluid in her left ear but it had decreased and they wanted to see how she would respond. She did great! She passed on every tone. We probably will have to follow up with an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor to make sure the fluid clears soon. Apparently, the audiologist says if it stays in there too long it can start to disintigrate the bones in her middle ear. I am assuming that God put them there for a reason and we don't want them to disintigrate so we will be looking into that and put a tube in if necessary. Whew...glad that is over.
Tomorrow is the NICU BBQ. Every year the NICU has a "graduation" BBQ for all their patients. Not just the ones in the last year but for as long as the families want to come. We are very excited to go see not only other families that we met but her nurses and doctors as well. I know as a nurse it would be neat to see how my patients progress as they grow. This is a great opportunity for them and us. I will let you know how it goes and get some pictures.
I hope everyone is doing well. We are doing great! We love hearing from you all, so thank you!

The Meyer's

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