Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Laney Renee Meyer

I have to apologize for taking so long to update the blog. It has been a flurry of activity since Laney arrived on Feb 25 at 10:40 pm. She was 2 lb. 9 oz. and 14 1/2 inches long. She was put on a super fancy ventilator called a "jet" until Monday morning. This machine is designed to help her lungs expand and give them some time to develop. She did great. They took her off and put her on a normal ventilator on Monday morning. She loved this. She was a little tired of the pressure associated with the jet. She did so well on the normal vent that they actually extubated her on Monday night and put her on a Cpap machine. Basically she was breathing on her own. She did not much care for this machine. She doesn't much like things on her face. She has a tendency to pull at them whenever she is awake. She is a little fiesty! She stayed on Cpap for about 2 hours but her little lungs were not quite developed enough to blow out the CO2 and they ended up having to reintubate her and put her back on the normal ventilator. Since then she has been doing great. She has weaned off all medications except for her nutrition supplement. As of yesterday she had lost a little weight. She was down to 2 lb 4 oz. Don't let her small size fool you. She is pretty strong and a little stubborn. It is fun to watch. When they turn her she tries to turn back. She even grabs her breathing tube with her feet and tries to pull it out! She is very entertaining to watch. I will try to get some pictures and videos posted soon.
We crossed another milestone last night when they started to feed her. We have been concerned about her tummy but she tolerated it really well and her body seems to be processing it. So now they feed her every 4 hours.
We have not been able to hold her yet but we are hoping that it is coming soon.
Again I apologize for not keeping more updates on this page. I am feeling much better so hopefully I can get moving a little more and give you updates more often. Kevin and I are so grateful for all of you. Everyone has done so much to help it has truly been overwhelming. We are so incredibly lucky and we consider each one of you part of our success so far. I am headed back to the hospital to say goodnight.
Thank you all sooo much!
The Meyer's

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie!

    My dad gave me your blog site, so I just looked at the pictures of Laney. I've been thinking about you and praying for the best ever since Dad told me about your situation. I'm so glad she's doing well. I hope you both continue to do well and that you'll be able to take your precious little girl home soon!

