Well, lets see...what is new in the last few days...
Laney has stayed off of the C-pap machine. (aka. mid-evil torture device for small babies/breathing machine) It is wonderful to be able to see her face now that all the swelling has gone down. I also have to say that the shape of her head has greatly improved by not having things strapped to it so tight. She is looking more and more like a regular baby just a really small version. We have to laugh because yesterday there was a near full term baby admitted to our room. All we could say was how HUGE this kid was. I think he was just over 6 lbs. Our perspective is permenantly skewed.
We gave Laney her first tub bath on Wednesday. She refered to it as spa day! She did really well.
She didn't cry at all. We kept her wrapped in warm wet towels and she basically slept right through it. As the water started to cool off she wrinkled her nose a bit but hung in there and was quite a trooper. I think we are going to be ready for another one tomorrow. Daddy will be in charge of this one!
She had an eye exam on Wednesday. In case you don't know, premature babies that are about 1000 grams or less or are on oxygen support are at risk for having problems with their eye development. Eyes are the last thing to mature on a babys, sometimes not even full term kids are mature. Anyway, because she has been on breathing support and she got down to 950 grams she has to have these eye exams. I won't go into details but it is horribly brutal...and I am a nurse! I don't recommend any parent ever watch. After all was said and done her eyes are doing ok so far. They are ok for her age but are developing a little different than normal because she is on oxygen and out of my tummy. But all things point to the fact it should resolve and develop normally. Unfortunately for Laney she has to have another one next week just to check for progress and changes.
She is still sitting at 3 lbs. 4 oz.. Breathing is a little tougher now without machines helping and her
course of steroids being done. So she is burning a few extra calories on that. They are increasing her feeds to help compensate so we will see if that works tomorrow. She has graduated to being able to wear clothes so we thought we would throw some pictures in. Yes, these are preemie outfits and yes, they are no where close to fitting her. What can we say, we try and she is cute anyway.
She is sooo beautiful!!! It's so great to see her face! I love the pic of her taking the bath! : )
ReplyDeleteI am always praying for Laney and for you and Kevin too. It's awesome to see her progressing. Hang in there!!!!
Much love to you both!