Wednesday, January 7, 2009

21 weeks, New Years Eve day...

We had a great Christmas in eastern Idaho with my side of the family. We surpassed the half-way mark of 20 weeks of pregnancy! Both of us were pretty excited to achieve this milestone. Unfortunately, we had to celebrate by driving from Pocatello to Boise in a nasty storm on Christmas day. We made the trip in a little over 5 hours but more importantly we made it safely.
I got called into work on December 30th about midnight. Sounds like a terrible time of day but I was originally scheduled to work that night so I was ready to go in. I got off work the next morning and got home around 7am. My water broke between the car and the house. I was 21 weeks that morning. Kevin and I went to the hospital and were admitted to labor and delivery. The doctors told us that most people will go into labor within 48 hours and they were very sorry but the baby was not viable. We had an ultrasound done and saw the baby had no amniotic fluid around it. We were devestated but the doctor gave us a 5% chance of the situation resolving and the baby being fine. We took it! 5% is better than nothing. I was put on strict bedrest, antibiotics, and told to drink lots of fluid. My sister had arrived and was helping us by then.
We were lucky and made it through the 48 hour waiting period and didn't go into labor. They did another ultrasound at this point and the baby looked a little better, to me. She had a small amount of fluid around her. The fluid levels are nowhere near what they should be, but to us, it was an improvement.
So we got sent home from the hospital with orders to be on strict bedrest, take antibiotics, and drink lots of fluid.

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