Thursday, January 8, 2009

Doctor visit...

We went to the doctor this morning. They did an ultrasound with a full anatomical screening. Which basically means they measure EVERYTHING and look for any developmental problems. She looks great. She measures well and her development looks great. However, no amniotic fluid. She had a full bladder and a little in her stomach but none surrounding her. Basically this this means we are losing the fluid about as fast as we are making it. Our hope is that she is getting to use it before we lose it. Kevin and I are optimistic that this is what is happening.
The doctors that we are seeing are special high risk OB. They see this situation often in their line of work. So the plan right now is to stay at home on bedrest until she reaches 24 weeks. At that point they will admit me to the hospital (on bedrest) and we will be able to start taking steroids that will hopefully help to develop her lungs. We will also be on antibiotics to help prevent infections in both of us. After 24 weeks they consider her a viable baby and we could have her at any point. Although every day we can wait to have her will be a blessing. The doctors were happy with the fact that we have made it as far as we have, and so are we. Every day increases our chances. I think he said they had doubled to 10%! Not much but we will take it!
Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. We can't tell you how much we appreciate it.
We love you all,
Kevin and Angie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My very best to you, Kev, and baby :) Stay strong in mind, body, and spirit! -Hillary

  3. O, you guys I am so sorry this is so hard, but God only gives you what you can handle, and you two must be amazingly strong people! Keep up the good work, being as lazy as possible, which has to be hard for you. Let me know what you need. love ya Kristin

  4. I'm thinking of you everyday. It's great news that the baby's development looks good. Sounds like she is strong and you are doing all the right things. We'll continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

    Love, Suzette

  5. Kevin and Angie,
    Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and I wish you guys all the best.


  6. Kevin and Angie,
    Just want you to know that you are in our prayers. We love you both! Thanks for blogging so we can stay in touch. Wish you lived a little closer so we could drop in and you could teach me to knit dish cloths :)

    God Bless,
    Aunt Anita and Uncle Mark
