Monday, January 19, 2009

24 weeks around the corner!

Sorry it has been a while since our last posting. When you are laying around all day it is hard to think there is much to tell everyone. On a good note our life has remained without incident. I have not gone into labor and am not showing signs of any infection which was our goal for these 3 weeks at home. From that perspective things could not be going better!
We had a fun weekend watching football and we had lots of great people stop by for a visit. Thank you to all of them. Today we started the day with the news but after the 3rd hour of people interviewing President Obama's neighbors, cleaning staff, and garbage man, we decided it was time to move on. Now we are having a Harry Potter marathon! We are only on the second movie but I have never sat down and watched them in a row. It is actually kind of interesting.
Well, assuming we don't have any changes tomorrow, we check into the hospital on Wenesday morning! It doesn't change the fact that we are confined to bed but at least we will be on what we call "the second phase" of our journey. We will start antibiotics to prevent infections and steroids to help develop her lungs. Then she can come whenever she decides to come. We are hoping she waits a while but right now we are just thankful that we have made it this far. Our odds of this pregnancy ending well have gone from 5% chance to 50%! They increase every day so we will just keep waiting.
A lot of you have asked about if we have picked a name yet. To tell you the truth we haven't. It showed that she was a girl at her 18 week ultrasound but I don't know if I trust those things 100%. So we refer to her as she but are keeping an open mind. As for names we are still looking for suggestions. Some of the suggestions we have heard have been great and have made it onto our name list so if you have any suggestions we would love to hear them. To be honest we probably won't name her till we get to see her.
Tomorrow should be a great day of packing and watching the inauguration of our new President! I will update you when we get to the hospital!
Happy MLK Jr. Day!
The Meyer's


  1. Hi Angie,
    It's Sally (Cuneo) Ajello here. I was recently sent your blog and reading the story warms my heart. This little girl you have is such a fighter and she's so lucky to have such an amazing mommy. I'll be thinking and praying for you and your new family over the next few weeks.

  2. Hi Angie,
    I just talked to Ali and found out what is going on. This blog is great and it sounds like you have been going thru a lot these past weeks. I am happy to hear that things are going better. I will be praying for you and your little one.
    I have tried to get in touch with you for the past few years but never seem to be able to find you. I asked Ali if you have a Facebook page, she said yes but was not on your friend list. Hopefully we can connect on that sometime.
    I wish you the best in the upcoming weeks and again will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Shelby (McLaughlin) Funk

  3. Angie

    I'm so happy you updated your page, being as far away as we are from you is hard. I know it will be much better once you are in the hospital and they can monitor you. I'll keep checking your post. I'm so happy to hear that thing are going well. Suzette

  4. Jarod and I want to let you know we are thinking of you. Thank you for the e-mail and I will continue to check for updates. As far as baby names if it is a girl and as strong as she has been there is always the Hope and Faith names. Wait Jarod has something to say : I think you should name the baby Kelby. Why you may ask? I will tell you by using my initals J K L B. It is simple math (- J + E Y =) 1 great name! I am pulling for you.
