Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Milestone!

Our apologies to has been a while. The days have a way of kind of floating by I guess. Things are going as well as we could hope for. The baby has been doing really well on the monitor and luckily we have not had to go back to labor and delivery. I have been having more contractions but she seems to tolerate them well for the most part. We won't measure her again till next week but we have a good feeling that she is still growing. Mostly because I seem to get more uncomfortable and I am now wearing Kevins shirts cause mine don't fit. Toward the end of last week she had actually turned sideways and was headed to turning head down (this was not a fun process for me). She must have changed her mind because over the last few days she has decided to pop back up and now she is breech again. I have to give her credit for trying. We had an ultrasound today and she still looks good. She had fluid in her stomach, which means she is getting something to drink but there was still no fluid to speak of when they measured it. Not suprising.
We spent Valentines day watching a movie and eating Guido's pizzza. Fairly anti-climactic but it was great to just hang out together. On Sunday evening we finally went on a tour of the NICU. (neo-natal intensive care unit) It was interesting to see where she will be when we have her and look at all the resources they have to take care of babies with problems like hers. It is of course sad to see tiny babies hooked to to all the tubes and wires but it is good to see it before you see it attached to your own child. They gave us a little hat and bootie set and a micro-preemie diaper. To give you an idea her diapers will be about the size of your credit card. Very cute and scary at the same time.
All things considered we are doing great. We have 7 weeks of bedrest behind us and at most another 6 to go. Right now we are just so greatful to have made it this far. We know what a miracle it is to have made it this far at all. We want to thank everyone who has sent us the cards, thoughts, and prayers (food too!) We believe that every bit of it has helped. Thank you all!

The Meyer's


  1. SO good to hear everything is going well. I've been thinking about you both every day and anxiously awaiting your next post. -Allison

  2. WOW! On to the next week! Way to go Angie and Chicken! Love Ya!
